Friday, October 1, 2010

Bay Area Kossacks: Drop by My House in the Solar Tour Tomorrow

by dotcommodity

One thing I did right, at the beginning of this year was to finally go solar with a residential solar PPA and to sign up to be in the ASES Nationwide Solar Tour which is tomorrow, Saturday Oct 2nd.

If you are in the SF Bay Area, come on by to my house and see how easy it is in California now to do the right thing and send clean power to green-up the grid for the next 30-40 years.

And if you are too far away to come by our house, find the American Solar Energy Association Solar Home Tourin your neighborhood!

In nine states now, solar in some utility districts is free or cheaper than utility energy, thanks to The Recovery Act, in combination with laws in some states that now allow solar companies that offer solar leases or solar PPAs that compete directly with utilities, by selling power by the kilowatt-hour.

continued at Daily Kos....