Monday, September 13, 2010

The Science Behind GE Salmon is Bad... Real Bad (ACTION)

by Jill Richardson

Remember when Obama came into office and we all rejoiced because we would once again have science-based policy in our country? Well, think again. The Obama administration should be commended for quite a lot of things it's done, but the FDA decision that AquAdvantage GE salmon is "safe" is certainly not founded on solid science. This is important not only because the salmon will (if approved for commercialization) will be in our food supply, but also because this case will set a precedent. It will set the bar for all future GE (genetically engineered) animals and how clearly they need to prove their safety before they are made legal.

If you want to take action, go here.

And, if you want more info, read on...

continued at Daily Kos....