Friday, September 24, 2010

Environmental Photo of the Year

by Gangster Octopus

Nature is an amazing place, and some folks manage to capture nature at its most amazing and beautiful in images that remind us of this fact and what is at stake.

Th Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management awarded their2010 Photographer of the Year for:

A picture of an unprecedented congregation of Munkiana Devil Rays in Baja California Sur has won Florian Schulz the prestigious 2010 title of The Environmental Photographer of the Year.

"During an aerial expedition over the coast of Baja California Sur, I came across something I had never seen before.... As we glided high above over the water looking for whales, a large dark spot caught our attention. As we got closer we started to discover its nature: an unprecedented congregation of rays. The group was as thick as it was wide, all heading towards the same direction...."


continued at Daily Kos....