Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Cult and Cascading Geothermal Power

by terryhallinan

From Wikipedia:

I'SOT, which stands for In Search of Truth, is a Pentecostal/Bible-based offshoot Christian religious group...


Allegations of physical and sexual abuse brought against members by clients of I'SOT's Group Home/Foster Home during the late 1980s prompted an investigation by State of California Department of Social Services Community Care Licensing Division. The final report was filed July 26, 1991. That Investigation found a preponderance of the evidence that members of I'SOT had physically and sexually abused residents of the group home between 1978 and 1990. I'SOT's application for renewal of their license to operate the Group Home was denied, after which they appealed the decision and lost.

Your tax dollars are going to these people?

Yes - and with good reason.

continued at Daily Kos....