Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Clean Energy Whizbang - Quest for Cash

by George

The fourth annual Clean Energy Venture Summit is in Austin on Sept 29-30. This is a chance for innovative 'clean energy' start-ups to try to wow some moneybags and hopefully score some cash to get their babies out of diapers. While clean energy is defined broadly, 'clean coal' need not apply.

Twenty start-ups (through series B financing) are selected to show their brilliant ideas. Of these, the top five get to meet directly with the Pecan Street Project for possible inclusion in the Mueller redevelopment - Austin's clean energy laboratory/neighborhood. The place is also crawling with venture and investor types who search deep in their altruistic hearts to find innovative companies that can make them some money. Twenty-seven venture funds officially participate in the Summit, so funding chances are pretty good for worthy tech.

I spent some time checking out the twenty presenters and getting up to speed on any technology that I wasn't familiar with. I put together a summary for each below the fold. It's a good slice of what's actually going on out there in the green economy beyond the big stuff that gets most of the press.

continued at Daily Kos...