Tuesday, August 3, 2010

UPDATE: Corexit and the Oil That's Left, the Worst is Yet to Come

by Ellinorianne

Please rec the BP Catastrophe Liveblog Mothership: 70

The headlines are piling up and the evidence is frightening to say the least even though the EPA is saying everything's fine, Citing Tests, E.P.A. Says It Was Wise to Use Oil Dispersant.

Spraying dispersants on oily water in the Gulf of Mexico doesn’t make the mixture any more toxic than the water was with Louisiana sweet crude alone, the Environmental Protection Agency said Monday.

Paul Anastas, the agency’s assistant administrator for research and development, said that the toxicity of the mix of oil and dispersant sprayed to combat the gulf oil spill was generally in the range of moderate, comparable to the effects of the oil.

continued at Daily Kos...