Saturday, August 7, 2010

Madder Than Mad — The "Outrage-Lib" Climate-Change LTE!

by WarrenS

If you're even paying attention a little bit, it's pretty clear that Mother Earth is in a very bad state.  She's got a horrible fever, and she's developing oozing sores all over the place, and....oh, hell.  You know this as well as I do.  Better, if you're one of the dedicated ecodiarists on this site who actually go to the trouble of learning about our planet's crises in enough detail to write terrifying diaries that scare the crap out of me.
Not only is 2010 the hottest year on record, it's also reaching new heights in denialist stupidity.
For example, every day our news outlets print articles or run pieces on one or another of the terrible catastrophes that are taking place.  The disaster du jour is of course happening in Russia, where drought and wildfires are making people's lives awfully close to pure hell.  And the New York Times ran a front-page article about it...without mentioning the phrases "climate change" or "global warming" once.

continued at Daily Kos...