I am so proud to be included in the Gulf Recovery Blogathon. I was a lurker for many years here at Daily Kos until the day the Deep Horizon oil rig exploded and ripped a gash into Mother Earth causing her blood to gush into the Gulf of Mexico. Since that day I have spent my time on Daily Kos deeply immersed in the Mothership and her child ROV's finding comfort and commiseration with people who have shown me that America will always have hope as long as such people exist.
I have watched with tears in my eyes and pain in my heart as wildlife came out of the ocean covered in oil and struggling for life. The loss of every one of the creatures who have died in this unparalleled disaster leaves us poorer and sadder. I have watched as the fishermen and oystermen's livelihoods have been destroyed and the Gulf Coast way of life decimated.
Below the jump you will find a list of organizations that I have been compiling for months. Please consider donating or volunteering to help support these organizations who spend their lives trying to help people, wildlife and even family pets recover from disaster. Thank you.
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