Sunday, August 8, 2010

Gulf Dead Zone: Confused yet? Clarified Here

by War on Error

All the talk of Dead Zone(s) and the inconsistencies being reported peaked my curiosity so I spent a few days researching for us..

Dead Zone Questions

I think the major driver for doing this research was a sense that there is the distinct possibility that BP will wiggle out of having to pay fishermen for their losses now and into the future by using the long-standing dead zone as an excuse.

For decades there has been a 7,000 square mile Dead Zone.  Nothing has been done to save or repair it, sadly.  Research?  Oh yes.  Lot's of money has spent on research.  There are no doubts about what causes the dead zone.  Action?.....crickets.  The media's confusion has confused the public as well.

Between the past actions of Congress and the Supreme Court, we are here:

Included is a timeline on Gulf water oil drilling I found fascinating (such a wonk)

continued at Daily Kos...