Monday, August 16, 2010

Credit where credit is due

by DarkSyde

I wrote over the weekend about CNN's chief meteorologist publicly stating on air that he now accepts the evidence for man-made climate change, often referred to as Anthropogenic Global Warming or AGW for short. Another national weatherman, Stu Ostro, Senior Meteorologist at the Weather Channel, sounds to me even further divorced from his prior, more skeptical views, and he's made the switch, in his own words, based on evidence:

I changed my point of view from what it was in the days of the Fred Singer article, and would do so again if that’s what the evidence shows. But it does not. As I wrote back in 2006, global warming is not a religion. The chemistry, physics, and thermodynamics involved are science, not religion, nor are they liberal or conservative.

For those who don't know, Fred Singer is a noted AGW skeptic who arose from the well funded ranks of former defense industry scientists turned anti-environmentalists beautifully chronicled in the book Merchants of Doubt.

It's important to criticize those who attack science, and I'm happy to return the favor when anyone stoops to personally maligning scientists who are simply reporting their findings for our benefit. But it's equally important, if not more so, to recognize those with the professional courage and intellectual honesty to publicly change their view in the face of new evidence. Stu Ostro is clearly one of those folks and he's helping blaze a trail for his peers to follow.

continued at Daily Kos....