Thursday, July 15, 2010

She Won't Back Down: Ashley Judd Defies Critics, Continues to Blast Mountaintop Removal

by rperks

Today in The Hill, a quintessential inside-the-Beltway political newspaper, Ashley Judd scores a scathing commentary on one of the causes she cares most about: the campaign to abolish mountaintop removalcoal mining in Appalachia. 

"I am proud to stand with Eastern Kentuckians everywhere, building a positive future for our region," she writes.  "There’s so much potential today, right now, for Eastern Kentucky to proudly and bravely lead the way to a new energy economy in this country, with more jobs and overdue justice for the people of Appalachia.  It is time for a community abused and exploited by outsiders who have never had our best interests at heart to rise and lead the U.S. into a renewable energy future."

continued at Daily Kos....