Sunday, July 18, 2010

Plumber Joe Saves BP, but No Credit Yet

by Patriot Daily News Clearinghouse

Joe the Plumber (not that one) says he helped stop Gulf oil spill leak.

Last May, a mystery plumber sent BP 3 sketches of a containment cap but was "told by BP that they were not working on stopping the leak, but simply capturing the oil." Distressed by the worsening situation with the BP oil gusher, and feeling BP gave him the "brush-off," this plumber started emailing his design to everyone he could think of, including engineering professor Robert Bea, who forwarded the designs. BP has not given the plumber credit, but professor Bea recognized his design when BP televised the containment cap being lowered onto the well. And now the plumber has stepped forward to tell his story.

Tonight's Climate Change News Roundup also includes news that BP is working to control scientific research of its oil disaster as well as climate change news.

continued at Daily Kos....