Saturday, July 3, 2010

BP Catastrophe Liveblog Mothership: 39 - Special Guest Edition

by Gulf watchers

Please rec the new Mothership #39 here. This one has expired
The current ROV DIARY: Gulf Watchers ROV # 171 -  BP's Gulf Catastrophe - David PA
Rules of the Road

  • We take volunteers for subsequent diaries in the sub diaries or ROV's as we have playfully coined them.
  • Please rec this mothership diary, not the ROVs.
  • Please be kind to fellow kossacks who may have limited bandwidth and refrain from posting images or videos.

In her own Voice is a clinical social worker in the field of psychology who has a psychotherapy practice informed by mindfulness and nature. Ecopsychology is being seen as a theory and practice that may be effective in breaking through the denial regarding issues of anthropogenic climate change.  Its practice offers techniques that aid in reducing chronic stress through restoring the intimate nature of our relationship with the earth and all its beings.

continued at Daily Kos....