Thursday, June 10, 2010

SheKos: Mother Earth & BP's Violence Against Her

by SheKos

This week, we are very pleased to welcome back KentuckyKat after a long hiatus. Please greet her in comments! BP Oil Darkens Future for Three Louisiana Tribes by Aji, SheKos contributor The disaster in the Gulf weighs heavily on my mind and spirit. For Native Americans, the terrible destruction wrought by British Petroleum and by America's laissez-faire regulatory policies holds a deeper dimension. It is defilement. It is desecration. It is devastation to an already-endangered way of life. I've written in the past about how, for many of our peoples, the earth is our mother - Akii. That term holds very real significance for us, both culturally and spiritually. Acts that do violence to her do violence to us all.

continued at Daily Kos....