Monday, June 7, 2010

Science Tidbits

by possum

Monday and science talk comes once again.  Today is the time to take a well deserved hiatus from all the politics of the day and enjoy some of the fine science news of the past week.  New discoveries, new takes on old knowledge, and other bits of news are all available for the perusing in today's information world.  Over the fold are selections from the past week from a few of the many excellent science news sites around the world.  Today's tidbits include lead contamination of game meat, red squirrels may take in orphaned relatives, unique eclipsing binary star system discovered, XMM-Newton opens new view of the universe, Arctic ice lowest in recent geologic history, first paper dipstick test for blood type, and .  Pull up that comfy chair for one more session of Dr. Possum's science education and entertainment.

continued at Daily Kos....