Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Saving the ocean from acidity death economically and sequestering CO2 in algae, saving the fishery

by chondrally

Richard A. Feely of the National Atmospheric and Oceanographic association (NOAA) in Boulder Colorado, has published some stunning papers available at for free,  that shake our world view of the oceans.  By 2017 when the projected CO2 level will reach 450 ppm,  the deep ocean currents will offgas CO2 in the southern ocean,  turning this part of the ocean very acidic from carbonic acid which exists in huge quantities in the deep oceans due to ocean pressure and millenia of diffusion.
The following article suggests a way that we can economically save the oceans, the fish, the coral and the shellfish and molluscs, by some simple calcium chemistry in the oceans involving Calcium carbonate (aragonite and calcite:limestone deposits) and calcium bicarbonate.

continued at Daily Kos....