Monday, June 28, 2010

A Never Ending Battle Against a Bunch of Nasty Critters

by Walden Ponderer

Of all the horrendous things we have to deal with living in Texas, and surely no story can end well when it begins with a review of horrendous things you have to deal with living in Texas, fire ants are perhaps our least favorite, not excepting Rick Perry.

Eradicate Rick Perry (via the ballot box, naturally --ed.) and I'll thank you.  Eradicate fire ants, and I will erect a shrine in your honor and burn incense there night and day for the next three centuries.

Big Myrtle's Tea Shoppe and Egg Emporium proudly presents our review of what to do about fire ants.  To our indulgent neighbors from the north who don't have to deal with this scourge, thank you for your patience.

continued at Daily Kos....