Friday, June 11, 2010

Its All Effing Natural Rant.

by LaFeminista

You have to really admire the total lack of any viable sign of intelligence from republicans. I mean you really have to be either fucking insane to come up with the bullshit they have, or totally brain dead. No matter what garbage humanity can throw at our planet its a natural phenomenon. "Global warming has been happening for decades, its natural and plants need CO2 and if we didn't produce CO2 all the plants would die!!!! Anyhows, it was a cold winter, its just not happening I tell ya. Scientists, ya boo sucks to them, we have 10,000 dentists and oral hygienists who say otherwise!" heh now we are served "Oil has been leaking in to the gulf since ever, hence the BP disaster is a natural one" What the fuck? Who the hell do they think they are fooling? Bats? At least BP admit something went ___ing wrong, well a bit anyway. Shit I bet if we had a nuclear meltdown it would be just a natural phenomi-thingy, uranium does that shit. Look at the sun!!!! Its a great ball of nukkular whatchamacallits! It keeps us warm!!! You god-dammed commie pinko socialist fascists! Its FEMA camps that ain't natural, and neither is stealing candy from grandma!!!

continued at Daily Kos....