Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Fishgrease: For Rachel

by Fishgrease

Rachel Maddow, Queen of Boom! Defender of Good Booming who doth Slayeth The Bad Boom and Reclaimest The Golden Boom Anchor! Boom Goddess! Most of you DKos Boomers have been following Rachel Maddow's discussions of the complete lack of Oil Industry investment in leak and spill cleanup research. This, while their exploration and research budgets supported drilling to ever more dangerous depths. She has also been the only MSM journalist to expose the way current technologies have been implemented... wrong. Rachel Maddow said, "That is bad boom right there!" and "Why is that boom so bad?". She did this while the rest of our News Media used useless boom installations as backdrop, never seeming to notice that a single thing was amiss. Jump the berm with me and I'll discuss good boom, bad boom, and as an added feature, Proper Boom Tending and how devastatingly attractive it is!

continued at Daily Kos....