Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Clear difference: setting the Price of Carbon, so WE get a Share

by jamess

Clearly America needs to reach for, and achieve, a Clean Energy Future.

Not so Clear is the Road we will take, if any, to ultimately get there ...

Kerry says Obama intends to move votes on energy
Reporting by Timothy Gardner and Richard Cowan, Editing by Sandra Maler, Reuters -- June 22, 2010

Obama is slated to meet leading Republican and Democratic senators on Wednesday to discuss a way forward for the energy legislation.
Kerry said the bill must include ways to price carbon but was not "locked into any one single way of doing it."

"The fact is if we don't price carbon, we will create one tenth of the jobs and reduce only one tenth of the emissions," he said. "It would essentially be an energy-only bill."

continued at Daily Kos....