by jamess
Direction on the oil spill liability cap By Kate Sheppard, By Washington Post editor -- May 25, 2010 The Obama administration today finally weighed in on the question of how high the liability cap should be raised for oil spills, arguing that there should be no limit at all -- at least for drilling in deep waters and at least for future spills. The administration was still hesitant to offer direction on whether legislation should act retroactively for the BP spill and whether it should include all offshore drilling operations. Still, a new measure in the Senate that would have eliminated the cap, offered after the administration's comments, failed Tuesday as Republicans blocked Democrats from bringing it up under unanimous consent. A measure to raise the cap to $10 billion had been blocked twice previously. Republicans continue to protest that raising or eliminating the cap would bar smaller companies from entering the market. But it's OK to throw other People OUT of Work, when such 'Accidents Happen'?
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