by 8ackgr0und N015e
As I pointed out before, BP has been working hard to keep down the estimated size of the spill to minimize their liability. You might say that one datapoint doesn't make a pattern. Well, here's a second one. Fishermen working to clean the spill are starting to show up in local hospitals with respiratory complaints. Why? BP is not providing them with respirators. According to Clint Guidry, president of the Louisiana Shrimp Association (interviewed on Democracy Now): It is a question of liability. The minute BP declares that there is a respiratory danger on the situation is the day that they let the door open for liability suits down the line. If they could have gotten away with covering this up, like they did in Alaska Valdez situation, like Exxon, they would not have to pay a penny for any kind of health-related claims.... Don't tell me "no one could have predicted this."
continued at Daily Kos....