Monday, June 14, 2010

Volunteer Boom Department

by asterlil

It was something Fishgrease said, of course. Why weren't the coastal towns armed in advance for spills? Where was the preparedness? The throwaway comment hit me between the eyes, however; why don't towns and parishes that are under threat by oil have Volunteer Boom Departments, in the same way my town has a Volunteer Fire Department (VFD)?

The idea has been percolating in my head for about a week, and this morning I had a conversation with Bennie Long, my town's fire chief. Working from what she told me, in answer to my questions, and my own informal thoughts, I decided to write a diary and find out whether the idea is possible through feedback from the rest of Kos. I am grateful to the crew and all my fellow travelers on the Oilpocalypse Liveblog Mothership whose newborn friendship gave me the courage to publish this.

continued at Daily Kos....