Monday, June 14, 2010

Of Pole Signs, Coal Plants, and Impractical Energy Plans.

by RLMiller

A local city bisected by a freeway has a number of fast food and fast gas outlets, all with large signs on poles to to attract weary travelers.  City officials and voters don't like eyesores.  A dozen years ago, the voters overwhelmingly passed an ordinance requiring all pole signs to come down in seven years.  

Naive voters thought that their ultimatum meant exactly that: in seven years, the signs would be gone.  However, to the fast food and gas franchises, the ultimatum meant something else entirely: seven years to hire lobbyists to determine how best to ignore the law.  

Which brings us to the Practical Energy and Climate Plan bill, S. 3464, recently proposed by Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN).

continued at Daily Kos....