is back, and Your Faithful Diarist has lately been Wading in Beauty! He is currently queuing up a youtube playlist of his obsessive favorite songs, the ones he's listened to for hours on end, going back to the days when that required rewinding the cassette after each song. What are yours?
But that's not necessarily your Last Most Beautiful Thing, and it's not mine. Mine was a sweet environmental victory! I stood up at a government hearing and spoke in support of preserving some historic meadows, that were threatened with a plan to put in a 100 car parking lot, and 2 soccer fields. It was a terrible waste of one of the few remaining meadows in the area, and the days before this hearing, it seemed like the bulldozers were inevitable. But I've fought worse fights with stronger opponents, and I went into this hearing expecting to be one of the outnumbered few speaking in support of the meadows. I'd helped queue up some allies, had walked the site and met the current owners, and I knew that this place was worth fighting for.
continued at Daily Kos....