Sunday, September 12, 2010

Dances on Walls: How flying women are making the planet cooler

by citisven

Last night, on our way to see some live music at a local cafe in San Francisco's Mission District, my friends and I were stopped in our tracks by an unusual looking Women's Building on 18th Street. This is saying something, as this building is far from ordinary in its normal state: wrapped in the Maestrapeace, a stunning mural honoring the healing power, wisdom and contributions of women throughout history, this multi-service center for women and girls is a roadside attraction on any given day.


Strobe lights beaming from the roof, ropes hanging from windows, loudspeakers on the sidewalk, and a throng of onlookers in curious anticipation, we knew something was up. Before we'd had time to get comfy on the curb, the lights dimmed and one of the most amazing public performance pieces I've ever seen was unfolding in front, or rather, ahead of us.


continued at Daily Kos....