I think this is the moment, Mr. President. This is the point when something needs to happen. The country has been waiting breathlessly. There’s a lull in the news cycle. And the news has been pretty bleak this year. We need a jolt. A wake-up call. A Big Idea. We need a little reboot of hope. We need something big. And now is the time.
The grueling buzz of the Health Care fiasco is starting to wear off; and though you succeeded where many before you failed, when the dust settled, you looked the worse for wear. After that a mine exploded. Then an oil rig. Now one of the most devastating ecological disasters in recorded history has only now started to ebb after 3 months, while the consequences are likely just beginning. We’re weary after 9 years of war. We’re poor after 3 years of recession. Also it’s really hot.
We need something to smile about. Something to look forward to. Something to cheer for. Something to hope for again.
But What?
continued at Daily Kos...