Sunday, July 11, 2010

Just watched "Collapse" it was a Horror Movie (The Peak Oil Story)

by olmanwillow

Been out of writing commission for a while as that heat wave swept through the North East. My computer happens to reside in a nonairconditioned room. This led me to stay far far away, but did not stop me from watching movies.

Two days ago I was invited to my cousin's house to watch a movie with the extended fam. The movie of choice happened to be a documentary called "Collapse". It was essentially an interview w/ Michael Rupert + Pictures. We watched as a family then discussed after. There were many points in the movie that really caught my attention. I was particularly fascinated by the concept of "Peak Oil". It wasn't that the idea was new to me, nor that the surrounding issues were new, but how severe his predictions were that caught my attention.

continued at Daily Kos....