Saturday, July 3, 2010

Gulf Coast

by Knucklehead

As I previously mentioned, I shall post only images pertaining to underwater life.
Helping me choose these images from my archives, I have my good friend Coconut, a parrot I rescued many years ago.
I therefore will include him in the opening.
Plus I promised Ekaterin I would.
I feel the situation in the gulf is being slowly moved back in the pages of the national newspapers & the gulf is not in the collective minds of the people of the country as a whole.
 The pain & suffering to the whole nation will be felt for/in years to come, but the immediate stress is surely being felt among the people directly impacted by this man made catastrophe. Those who live there, breath there & wanted to die in peace there.
 These people are our brothers & sisters, sons & daughters, & mothers & fathers.
They are us.

continued at Daily Kos....