Sunday, July 4, 2010

Dawn Chorus Birdblog: Puffins in Kilts!

by matching mole

Happy 4th of July everyone.  Perhaps perversely for Independence Day I'm going to blog about birds in the United Kingdom.  And I'll come right out and say it - the title is a lie.  A shameless ploy to draw in the casual Sunday morning reader with a weakness for comical seabirds and tartan.  Puffins I have and puffins you will see in all their glory if you read on.  And Scottish puffins no less, but unfortunately bereft of kilts.  There, I've cleansed the guilt from soul.

This diary is an overview of a brief trip to the Shetland Islands I made in mid-June.  A trip I won't soon forget to a magical place.  So let's get going.

continued at Daily Kos....