Monday, July 5, 2010

BP Oil Disaster v3.2: Pics & Vids & Media Lies

by vets74

"Death in the Gulf" is the subtitle.

BP and Halliburton  are committing a massive ecocide. This WineRev Model series provides a home for pics and vids, plus material that focuses on corporate media distortions.

Here's the the MRGO channel. 500 yards and $3 MM for the booms:

$3MM -- Greyrath/Getty

And the CNN fable factory came up with a BP-friendly lie that the "Whale" skimmer will extract 21,000,000 gallons of oil a day.

Our whitis went to the sources and pulled out 63,000 gallons a day as a theoretical maximum.

Nice to see Recommended in the tags:::

continued at Daily Kos....