Your pics and videos are welcome here. Between the Deadly Sins and incompetence, BP and Halliburton have loosed a massive petrochemical killing zone.
Mitigation efforts use booms, sand bars, humans walking around with pick-up bags, burnings and skimmers. So far... the "make work mindlessness" of these efforts come down to this:
Gulf Coast "cleanup" and "recovery" are addressing less than 1% of the petrochemical spew. Putting these guys out there for "cleanup" without protective breathers is similar to these:
-- Putting an employee inside an auto body paint box without a breather
-- Putting the World Trade Center workers in the burning ruins without breathers.
These are are not getting the simple $29.99 N99 Standard safety masks for particulates.
BP is as bad at protecting workers as Rudy Giuliani. Next they will be selling a corporate symbol "Mr. Cleanup," parallel to Giuliani stumping as "Mr. 9/11."
More on the ecocide BTF :::
continued at Daily Kos....