by Patriot Daily News Clearinghouse
We need to hold BP accountable with various legal sanctions -- such as debarment, civil fines, civil lawsuits, and criminal prosecutions for real criminal offenses. Sanctions are needed for recovery, justice and deterrence of such inhumane, negligent and risky conduct by corporations given that we cannot commence living on alternative energies tomorrow. This Gulf Oil Gusher has shown to those who did not realize before that we cannot continue with an extreme fossil fuel energy policy. Public outrage helped convince President Obama to extend the offshore drilling moratorium. Today's EcoAdvocates focuses on the next step: Convincing President Obama to strengthen the climate change bill to provide a real path forward. This is a message bloggers can send DC everyday. Tonight's EcoAdvocates edition includes posts by Bill McKibben on Now's the moment for President Obama, A Siegel on The Climate Mitigation Procrastination Storm and some take-action items.
continued at Daily Kos....